Most people are perfectly happy staying indoors when the weather is cold. Who thinks that camping would be fun in the winter? Some people are up for the challenge, believe it or not! For those adventurous souls who hate to be cooped up during the cold months, winter camping can be a fun adventure. While it is definitely not an activity for everyone, you can learn a lot of life lessons by going camping during the off-season. Here are six things you will learn if you try winter camping for yourself.
1. You may go broke
You can’t just sleep with a light sheet over yourself during the winter. You’ll have to shell out money for special winter gear, such as heavy sleeping bags and extra warm clothes. This gear will be more expensive than what you are used to using when the weather is nice.
2. You’ll experience rough mornings
Getting up early on a warm day is easy. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and you can usually enjoy a hot cup of coffee in peace before it gets too hot. However, getting out of a warm sleeping bag in the freezing cold will be a challenge you aren’t used to. It’s also a bigger chore if you need to get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. Just remember to keep enough wood for a blazing fire when you need one.
3. You’ll experience another side of people
The cold can make even the nicest individual miserable and mean. Camping during the winter really tests a person’s personality, and you may soon discover just how grumpy your friends and family can be when they have to deal with cold temperatures. If you go camping for longer than a couple of days, some of your companions may become downright mean.
4. You will appreciate your food more
Many people tend to eat more during the colder months. When you are out camping in the cold and snow, you’ll really enjoy a hot, hearty meal when you are done. Camping in the winter allows you to appreciate your food more. You’ll also see why humans are supposed to consume both meat and vegetables.
5. You’ll get closer to those you love
What’s better than having to snuggle with your loved one because of the cold? Camping during the winter gives you a great excuse to cuddle up against your loved one to conserve body heat.
6. You’ll see that you aren’t invincible
Camping is easier in the warm months. When you throw in cold, snow, and ice, you’ll be tested every minute of the day. You’ll realize just how fragile you are and how accustomed you have become to the daily pleasures of life. We aren’t invincible for sure!
If you do decide to take up the challenge of camping in the winter, it will test your mind and spirit. However, you will learn a lot about yourself and your loved ones if you do take on this adventure.