Recently, a Twitter user took the world by storm when she asked what seemed to be a relatively normal question about showering on the popular social media app. Who would have thought such a benign thought would have turned into a massive debate?
When it comes to showering, there are a lot of different things we all do. For example, some of us swear by a shower in the morning to get the blood pumping and to start the day off right. Others say that showering at night is better when you want to wash away a day of dirt and grime. Many of us even go for two showers a day when we want to feel extra clean! If you have the time and can afford the water, why not?
Then there are the many other debates. Should you use bar soap or gel to get clean? Do you buy an all-in-one shampoo and conditioner or separate products? What works better, a washcloth or loofah? Should you take a bath or a shower in the first place? We all have different preferences concerning how we like to get clean, so you can always expect a bit of a debate no matter what.
Alice, who goes by @Backpainandwine on Twitter, sparked the newest debate after sharing the way she likes to shower. She wanted to know how others stand when they get in the shower-facing the showerhead or with their back to it?
She asked her followers if they thought it was normal to shower facing away from the water instead of facing toward the flow. That one simple question had the power to divide the internet as it raced through different forms of social media.
Many commenters said that the way they shower depends on a couple of factors. For some people, standing with their back to the showerhead is their normal stance if they are washing both their body and their hair. Some claim to only stand facing the flow if they plan to wash their body and NOT their hair.
Others were even perplexed to learn that some people shower without washing their hair! However, this IS a normal occurrence for a lot of women and men with medium-to-long locks. It’s not a good idea to wash your hair every day, as the water and chemicals in your products can strip the natural oils from your hair. For many people, it’s normal to skip a couple of days between each hair wash.
When it comes to the showering question, some commenters wondered how you could stand facing the showerhead as the water would hit you in the face if you did. Other people agree that standing with your back to the showerhead is important because you don’t want the water that is hitting your face to be too hot. They are right- it’s better to wash your skin in cold to lukewarm water!
Another commenter picked a third option-neither. That person said that they needed to use the hand-held nozzle to shower because they aren’t able to deal with water falling from above. They admitted that they might be a tad different!
Of course, a large majority of commenters said that they simply did both. One person asked whether others changed their position in the shower to get the soap off of whatever part of their body they happened to be washing at the time. She wondered if that was normal or if it was just her, but others agreed that they did the same thing.
Whatever is normal for you is probably good enough! Showering and getting clean is important for your body and your mental health, so pick a way to stand when you jump in the shower and soap up! Leave the arguing to the rest of social media and enjoy a nice shower, whether you’re standing facing the showerhead or away from it!