The Spotted Lake is located to the north and west of Osoyoos. This is found in the Okanagan Valley which is in the providence of British Columbia. Visitors come from all over the country and all over the world to see this beautiful piece of nature. The magic of the lake is truly mysterious to many.
In the cooler months of winter and spring, Spotted Lake looks just like any other lake. In the summer and fall, however, it begins to form pools of brine that are yellow, green or blue in color. These pools are due to evaporation that occurs in the hotter months, leaving behind a spotted appearance.
The reason that these so-called pools become colored in yellow, green or blue is due to a very scientific reason. There is a high amount of certain minerals in the water. These minerals include things such as calcium, sodium sulphate and magnesium sulphate.
Many individuals are then left wondering where these minerals have come from. Many of them are from the runoff that comes from the hills that surround Spotted Lake. Each color is dependent upon how many minerals are in a certain area, with the brighter the color being the higher the concentration.
Okanagan Valley in British Columbia is full of native and indigenous peoples. These people have given sacred value to the uniqueness of this beautiful lake as reported by British Columbia Visitor Centre. These sacred meanings and values are religious and spiritual in nature, retaining the idea that the lake is magical.
To start, these indigenous peoples thought that Spotted Lake was full of healing properties. They believed every pool had a different quality that gave it medicinal purposes. Based on these medicinal and healing properties, the First Nations originally called the lake Kliluk in their native tongue.
Originally the land and hills around Spotted Lake were owned by a private property owner. The owner allowed The Okanagan Nation of Okanagan Valley to obtain the surrounding land in 2001. This allowed for the people of the area to use it as they needed to and to let it reap many benefits for these people.
The purchase by the Okanagan Nation also ensured the land’s sustainability. It ensured that there would be no urban development upon the property. It could only be used for cultural and historical purposes, or for environmental and natural purposes in order to protect it.
There were many modern uses and values of Spotted Lake as well. During World War II for instance, suppliers utilized the minerals from Spotted Lake to help to create ammunition. Other workers used the minerals of the lake, especially the sodium sulphate, to create even more materials that added value.
Many Canadians believe that the lake was much more vibrant before individuals began pulling minerals from it through mining efforts. Even the British Columbia Visitor Centre states that the lake showed more colors that were even brighter. In their opinion, the lake was much more beautiful than it already is.
There is some important information you should know if you are planning to visit Spotted Lake. There is a fence surrounding the lake to protect it, so you cannot be too close to it. There are many viewpoints, however, to allow you to see the true beauty that is offered by Spotted Lake.
As mentioned, there is a very reasonable scientific explanation for the vibrant pools of color at Spotted Lake. It is more fun to use your imagination, however. This will make you feel as if you are the character of an animated movie or in a children’s book.